Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Life, love, and other such matters

Well, it has been awhile since I've updated my blog. Last time I wrote, I was in the middle of my junior year of college, working part-time, and engaged to the most wonderful woman on earth. 

Life has become much busier for me lately, as the following semester (this past spring of 2012) I began working full-time, as well as going to school full-time at night. Between all that and helping in various church ministries, and helping my fiance prepare for our wedding, life was pretty crazy.

Now I am writing as a married man, having wed my beautiful sweetheart Bekah on the 26th of May, almost two months ago. It was a wonderful wedding, and I really enjoyed it. It passed by so fast, and almost felt like a dream. I cried or tried not to throughout most of the service, which was ironic since my bride (who had told me that she would be the one needing the Kleenex) didn't shed a single tear!

Our honeymoon was great, and a really refreshing time of bonding for the two of us. We've been attending a 9-week leadership training program in Colorado called "Ellerslie Leadership Training". It's been a good time of spiritual growth and refreshment. 

This fall we'll be back in Missouri, where I'll be working on finishing my last year and a half of college. After that, we'll see where the Lord leads us.

So, that's an update on what's been going on in my life lately. A lot of stuff, but it's good stuff. I wouldn't trade being married for the world.